

Research Sources

Kersch Ken I. "Freedom of Speech". Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2003:

Stone Geoffrey R. "Perilous Times". New York.: W. W. Norton, 2004:

"The Bonus Army Invades Washington, D.C., 1932". Eyewitness to History. 14 Feb. 2008: (

United States. "United States Bill of Rights". History Reference Center. Ebsco. Pasco-Hernando Community Coll. Lib. New Port Richey, FL. 31 Mar. 2008 (

Image Sources

"A 1947 comic book published by the Catechetical Guild Educational Society warning of the supposed dangers of a Communist takeover." Stone Geoffrey R. "Perilous Times". New York.: W. W. Norton, 2004:

"Senator Joseph McCarthy" Kersch Ken I. "Freedom of Speech". Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2003:

All other images came from the Microsoft Office photo database at Microsoft. (

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